Mittwoch, 18. August 2010
Getestete Unkreativität
Weil ich eigentlich doch noch paar Abdrücke machen und vor allem die Stifte ausprobieren wollte - seit einer Woche schieb ich die nur von links nach rechts und wieder zurück, und vor ungeklärter Müdigkeit auch nimmer wirklich gradeaus schauen kann, hab ich mal einen Test bezg. der Art meiner Kreativität gemacht (via the wonderfull one and only Cati Basmati *g*) und das kam dabei raus:

Creativity gives youinsight

You feel that creativity provides insight into your own being. In fact, it is like therapy for you, enabling you to get to know yourself better. You seem to be looking for a way into the mysteries of the subconscious. It’s not really self-expression you are seeking, but rather the tools of self-expression: discovering what your creation will reveal about yourself. Art helps you reflect on, analyse and expand your personality. You long to be creative, and it’s not just because you need to deal with your emotions. It’s the tension between contradictions, and the need to resolve doubt that drives you to be creative. Painting pictures, decorating rooms, arranging shells in the sand — these are all creative processes that allow your introspection to roam. You can trace your life through the different ways you have exercised your creativity. For you, art is there to make sense of life. You are more attracted to artistic activities that demand reflection, planning and solitude, and the personal discoveries you make often provide answers for others, too.

Da ich mich aber wieder paar Mal nicht entscheiden konnte, hab ich den Test noch einmal gemacht und dann kam "Creativity enriches me" heraus : )

Ich denk mal, die Wahrheit liegt gemischt dazwischen ; )

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Das Problem mit den verschiedenen Antworten, die ich zutreffend oder passend finde, habe ich auch meist. Da gibt es dann so viele Möglichkeiten der Kombination von unterschiedlichen Antworten, dass mir die Lust manchmal vergeht. Denke, es passt eh irgendwas vom Ergebnis auf den Tester ;-)

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Man kann ja mehrfach machen - je nach Test und Laune.

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Creativity is separate from the real world for you. But it’s a magical world in which you like to immerse yourself. When you’re involved in it, you get the wonderful sensation that there are no limits, that anything is possible. What you are really looking for is harmony — you want to feel you are a part of what you create. Planting flowers, writing poetry, embroidery or putting together a photo album, these are all suited to your sort of quiet creativity. You want to fall in love with what you create. You also think of creativity as a part of you in which you can take refuge and feel protected. As the psychoanalyst D Anzieu explained, creativity acts as an ‘encouraging parent — loving, enriching and supportive’. You would love to use your creativity to retreat into a world that is kind and reassuring. For you, being creative means having the chance to become one with what you create, bathe in the glory of it and allow yourself to be taken over by it. This is why you seem more suited to the sort of creativity that calls for gentleness, subtlety, harmony and patience. • To find out about how to tap into your creative side, see our feature in the August issue out now.

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Da sehen Sie mal : )

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